10 Ways to Grow Your B2B Brand on Linkedin

10 Ways to Grow Your B2B Brand on Linkedin

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LinkedIn, with over 760 million professionals worldwide, is undeniably a potent platform for B2B marketing. According to a study by LinkedIn, 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn, and 94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for content marketing. These compelling statistics highlight the platform’s efficiency and potential when it comes to growing your B2B brand. This guide will walk you through 10 easy ways to effectively leverage this network, enhance your online presence, and drive business growth.

What is Linkedin?

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that connects individuals and businesses worldwide. It acts not just as a resume repository, but also as a place to share content, participate in thought leadership, and connect with peers, customers, and potential employers or employees. LinkedIn allows professionals to build relationships, share ideas, and foster career development. The platform is also useful for businesses, particularly B2B companies, as it provides a space to showcase their products or services, share company news, and tap into valuable industry insights.

Why it’s Important for B2B Brands

For B2B brands, LinkedIn is quickly a growing lead generation channel and presents several significant opportunities. It provides a professional and focused environment where companies can directly interact with other businesses. By actively participating in the LinkedIn community, B2B brands can foster credibility, build relationships, and engage in discussions that resonate with their target audience. Offering valuable content and insights can position a brand as an industry leader, enhancing its reputation and visibility. Furthermore, LinkedIn’s advanced targeting features enable businesses to reach the right audience, thereby maximizing their marketing efforts. Therefore, using LinkedIn effectively can significantly contribute to a B2B brand’s growth and success.

The Power of LinkedIn for B2B Brands: The Stats

LinkedIn’s potential for B2B businesses is backed by solid data. According to LinkedIn’s Business Solutions Blog, LinkedIn is the #1 channel B2B marketers use to distribute content at 94%. Furthermore, Hubspot found out that LinkedIn is 277% more effective at generating leads than Facebook and Twitter. The platform is not just about awareness — it’s driving real business results, with 46% of social media traffic coming to B2B company sites from LinkedIn. For a free strategy consultation, contact us today!

Leveraging LinkedIn: The Links

LinkedIn offers a variety of tools and features to help B2B brands grow. The LinkedIn Marketing Solutions page is a great place to start, offering resources on everything from content marketing to advertising. For deeper insights on harnessing the power of LinkedIn for B2B marketing, the LinkedIn Marketing Blog is a must-visit resource hub. Here, you’ll find case studies, tips, trends, and more to help you shape and execute your LinkedIn marketing strategy.

Getting Started

Now that we’ve covered the potential of LinkedIn for B2B brands and discussed the resources available to help you navigate the platform, it’s time to put your LinkedIn strategy into action. The first step is building a strong LinkedIn presence. Remember, your company’s LinkedIn page is a reflection of your brand, so it’s crucial to ensure it accurately and effectively communicates your brand values, offerings, and unique selling points.

Build a Robust LinkedIn Profile

Building a powerful LinkedIn profile involves several steps:

  1. Optimize Your Header: Your header is the first thing people see when they visit your page. It should include a high-quality logo and a compelling banner image that aligns with your brand aesthetics.
  2. Write a succinct and compelling About section: This is your opportunity to showcase what your company does, its mission, and its unique selling points. Keep it brief, clear, and engaging.
  3. Highlight Your Products or Services: LinkedIn allows you to list your products or services. Ensure you utilize this feature to help potential customers or clients understand what you offer.
  4. Share Relevant Content Regularly: Regularly post and share content that aligns with your brand and is valuable to your target audience. This could include blog posts, white papers, company news, and more.
  5. Engage With Your Followers: LinkedIn is a networking platform, so interact with your audience. Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and use the platform to build relationships.
  6. Showcase your employees: Showcasing your employees’ profiles gives your company a human face and can enhance your credibility.

By following these steps, you can build a LinkedIn profile that truly represents your B2B brand, attracts the right audience, and maximizes your LinkedIn marketing efforts.

Examples of Outstanding LinkedIn Profiles

There are numerous examples of companies that have leveraged LinkedIn to effectively showcase their brand. One such example is Microsoft. Microsoft’s LinkedIn page is filled with important updates, employee highlights, and features on innovative technologies. They capitalize on their massive presence and influential position in the industry to deliver compelling content that directly appeals to their audience.

Another exceptional LinkedIn profile is that of Salesforce. Salesforce utilizes LinkedIn’s potential by sharing a mix of thought leadership content, company news, and success stories. Their posts often engage their followers by asking questions, sparking discussions, and encouraging user-generated content.

HubSpot also stands out with its LinkedIn page. They focus on providing educational content, industry updates, and insights that add value for their followers. Their effective use of video content and infographics demonstrates the power of diversified content in engaging followers.

Each of these profiles serves as an excellent model for creating a strong LinkedIn presence for your B2B brand. They show how to effectively utilize LinkedIn’s features, engage followers, and communicate brand values in a compelling way.

Establish Your Brand Image

A strong brand image is integral to standing out on LinkedIn. Start by ensuring that your profile is complete and professional, from your logo and header image to your company description. The ‘About’ section should clearly and concisely communicate your brand’s mission, values, and unique selling proposition. Remember, first impressions matter, so make sure your profile is polished and reflective of your brand.

Content is king on LinkedIn. Share regular updates about your company, industry trends, thought leadership articles, and any achievements or awards. Post content that is not only promotional but also informative and engaging. This will help position your brand as an authority in your field and create engagement with your audience.

Lastly, leverage LinkedIn’s features like Showcase Pages and LinkedIn Groups to highlight different aspects of your business and engage with your audience in a more targeted way. Showcase Pages are perfect for highlighting specific products, services, or initiatives, while Groups provide an opportunity for discussions and networking with like-minded professionals.

Remember, building a strong LinkedIn presence requires consistency. Regularly updating your profile and posting engaging content will keep your brand top-of-mind among your LinkedIn connections. By following these steps and learning from the examples of successful B2B brands on LinkedIn, you can create a compelling and effective LinkedIn presence for your own brand.

Here are a few examples of impactful LinkedIn profiles and strategies:

  1. IBM: IBM consistently shares content that is informative and engaging, keeping their audience updated on the latest trends and discoveries in the tech industry. They also effectively use Showcase Pages to highlight their various services and initiatives.
  1. Deloitte: Deloitte does an excellent job of leveraging LinkedIn Groups to facilitate discussions and networking opportunities. Their consistent and engaging content strategy positions them as a thought leader in their industry.
  1. Adobe: Adobe is a prime example of a brand that uses LinkedIn effectively. They consistently share content that showcases their products, informs on industry trends, and engages with their audience through thought-provoking questions. Adobe also hosts LinkedIn Live sessions, allowing them to communicate with their audience in real-time and providing a platform for expert discussions and product demonstrations. This strategy not only keeps their audience engaged but also positions Adobe as an innovative leader in the tech industry.

Take note of these profiles and consider how their strategies can be adapted to your brand’s LinkedIn presence.

Building a Community

Building a vibrant online community on LinkedIn is an integral part of a successful LinkedIn marketing strategy. A community is not merely a list of connections; it’s a network of like-minded individuals who engage with and support your brand. This sense of community fosters a deep connection that transcends the typical consumer-brand relationship, transforming your followers into advocates for your brand. The key to building this community lies in understanding your audience, creating relevant content, and fostering open communication.

Engage Authentically and Regularly

Engaging authentically and regularly with your target audience is a critical step in building a thriving online community on LinkedIn. It’s not just about pushing content; it’s about fostering a two-way conversation, showing your audience that their voices matter and their feedback is valued. Creating a robust engagement strategy involves consistent interactions, timely responses to comments and messages, and insightful discussions that resonate with your community. This approach not only strengthens your online presence but also bolsters trust and loyalty among your audience.

Use of Data Analytics and LinkedIn Tools

Successful LinkedIn marketing is powered by informed decisions, which in turn are driven by data analytics. LinkedIn provides its users with a rich set of analytics tools that can help brands understand their audience better and refine their marketing strategies. For example, LinkedIn’s Page Insights allows you to monitor trends over time, understand your follower demographics, and see how your content is performing.

Leverage LinkedIn’s Unique Features

LinkedIn offers a suite of unique features that can be harnessed to boost your brand’s visibility and engagement. For instance, LinkedIn’s Publishing Platform allows for long-form posts, which can be a great way to demonstrate your industry knowledge and thought leadership. Additionally, LinkedIn’s Sponsored Content can help increase your brand’s reach to the right audience.

Remember, the key to LinkedIn success lies in consistently leveraging these tools and features, engaging with your audience, and constantly refining your strategy based on data and insights.

Join Professional Networks and Groups

Joining professional networks and groups on LinkedIn allows you to engage with like-minded individuals and businesses in your industry. These platforms serve as a venue for discussions, knowledge sharing, and even potential collaborations. Participating in these groups not only enhances your visibility within the community but also provides invaluable insights into industry trends and practices. Thus, it is imperative to actively participate in relevant LinkedIn groups and leverage these platforms to connect with industry peers, share your expertise, and learn from others.

Engage with Other Users Through Comments and Discussions

Engaging with other users through comments and discussions is another effective method to increase your visibility on LinkedIn. Responding to comments on your posts and engaging in discussions on other posts allows you to showcase your industry knowledge and positions you as a thought leader. Additionally, it fosters a sense of community and encourages further interaction with your content. Make sure your responses are thoughtful and add value to the conversation, as this can generate interest in your profile and potentially lead to new connections or business opportunities.

Share Relevant Content Regularly

Sharing relevant content regularly is another way to enhance your presence on LinkedIn. This could include industry news, tips and insights, infographics, case studies, or your own blog posts and articles. By sharing valuable content, you demonstrate your knowledge and expertise, positioning yourself as a trusted source of information in your field. Furthermore, regularly updating your LinkedIn feed with fresh content keeps your profile active and encourages more interactions from your connections. Remember, consistency is key – aim to post several times a week to maintain visibility and engagement.

Leveraging the Power of Video and Long-Form Content

Video and long-form content are powerful tools for enhancing engagement on LinkedIn. According to LinkedIn’s own data, posts with video receive 5 times more engagement than those with only text, making this a highly compelling way to capture your audience’s attention. Not to self promote, but if you need help with your content, we can help!

Similarly, long-form articles (those with more than 1900 words) can generate up to 3 times more traffic, as per a study conducted by SEMrush. This type of content allows you to delve deeply into topics and provide comprehensive insights, demonstrating thought leadership and expertise.

Therefore, incorporating video and long-form content into your LinkedIn strategy can significantly elevate your visibility and engagement. Remember to keep your content relevant, informative, and engaging, and always add value for your audience.

Posting Videos on Linkedin

When it comes to posting videos on LinkedIn, HubSpot found that LinkedIn users are 20 times more likely to share a video on the platform than any other type of post. Furthermore, LinkedIn’s internal data reveals that a 30-second video is likely to retain 50% of viewers, while a 2-minute video retains about 70% of the audience. This underpins the importance of crafting concise, impactful videos that can effectively communicate your message in a short timeframe.

The effectiveness of your videos can be amplified by adding captions, with Rev.com reporting that videos with captions have 80% more views than those without. This is an essential consideration, especially given that 80% of LinkedIn users watch videos with the sound off.

In conclusion, not only does incorporating video into your LinkedIn strategy increase your visibility and engagement, but the strategic use of video length and captions can further enhance your content’s effectiveness.

Creating Valuable Long-Form Content

In crafting long-form content, it’s crucial to acknowledge the importance of quality over quantity. According to Curata, long-form content generates 9 times more leads than short-form content. However, this isn’t merely about producing lengthier content, but rather, delivering in-depth, valuable insights that your audience can’t find elsewhere.

In this regard, the Content Marketing Institute found that the top-ranking Google content averages a length of 1,140-1,285 words. This exemplifies the potential advantages of long-form content in terms of SEO.

Finally, remember that the structure of your content is crucial for reader engagement. A study from Nielsen Norman Group reveals that users pay close attention to the information at the top of the page, but their attention significantly decreases as they scroll down. Therefore, ensure your most important points are located at the beginning of your article.

In the era of content saturation, being able to provide detailed, valuable, and well-structured long-form content may be your ticket to standing out from the crowd.

In conclusion, successful content marketing on platforms like LinkedIn calls for a multifaceted approach. The strategic use of video content, the creation of insightful long-form content, and the smart structuring of information all contribute to increased visibility and engagement. However, it’s important to remember that these methods must be tailored to meet your audience’s needs and preferences.  If you need help formulating or implementing your B2B Linkedin strategy, reach out to us at Techspin Marketing to help.


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